Friday, April 25, 2008

New Lessons in Confrontation

I have learned Biblical truths of Conflict Management in the past, but here are new lessons that I am struggling live out in my life.

Lesson 1: Be quiet and pray.

"A time to keep silence, And a time to speak." Ecclesiastes 3:7b

"Pray without ceasing." 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Lesson 2: Be quiet and pray.

(It might be a repeat of #1, but too easily forgotten and so very important, especially for wives in relation to their husbands. At least, it is for me.)

Lesson 3: Avoid pride. Pursue humility.

"Let us not become conceited," Galatians 5:26a

It is so much easier to see other's faults and mistakes, than it is to see our own propensity for sin. Criticism can be felt, whether it is voiced or not. Our attitudes speak louder than words.

Lesson 4: Check your motivation. Avoid arguments and trying to be right.

"provoking one another," Galatians 5:26b

Just as a child who wants to see his sibling get in trouble, so are we when our heart motivation is not pure.

Lesson 5: Fight jealousies, not people.

"envying one another." Galatians 5:26c

Evaluate the underlying emotion or reason--is it really desiring to be better or at least equal?

(Adapted from "Having A Mary Spirit" by Joanna Weaver)

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